Principal Investigator
Ayman M. Karim
Associate Professor
Department of Chemical Engineering
239 Goodwin Hall
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Email: amkarim@vt.edu
Telephone: 540-231-9138
FAX: 540-231-5022

Wenhui Li
Ph.D. Student​
Research interests: Colloidal metal nanoparticle synthesis and characterizations, nucleation and growth kinetics, ligand-organometallic thermodynamics.
Email: whli@vt.edu

Graduate and Undergraduate Researchers
Yubing Lu
Ph.D. Student​
Research interests: Single atom catalysts, synthesis and in-situ characterization of heterogeneous catalysts, reaction kinetics, x-ray adsorption fine structure.
Email: yubinglu@vt.edu

Saeed Mozaffari
Ph.D. Student​
Research interests: Nucleation and growth modeling, nanoparticle synthesis, complex fluids rheology, micro/nanofluidics, and asphaltenes.
Email: saeedm6@vt.edu
Chun-Te Kuo
Ph.D. Student​
Research interests: Single atom catalysts, heterogeneous catalysts, reaction kinetics and mechanism, x-ray adsorption fine structure.
Email: chunte20@vt.edu

Xiwen Zhang
Ph.D. Student​
Research interests: Synthesis and characterization of supported metal catalysts; atomic scale design of catalysts; kinetic study of alkane/alkene reactions
Email: xwzhang@vt.edu
Eric Husmann
MS.c Student​
Research interests: Catalyst synthesis, ATR-IR spectroscopy, reaction kinetics, and surface chemistry.
Email: ehus@vt.edu

Malik Albrahim
Ph.D. Student​
Research interests: Single atom catalysis, heterogeneous catalysis, reaction kinetics and modeling.
Email: albrahim@vt.edu
Andrew Wenzel
B.S. Student​
Research interests: Catalysis, reaction kinetics and mechanism
Email: ahwenzel@vt.edu

Christoper Wooten
B.S. Student​
Research interests: Nanoparticle Synthesis and Characterization
Email: ctw16@vt.edu